School Design for a Healthy Future
Best Architects in Kerala
– Concept & Implementation By Kumar Group
The best architects are putting their efforts, to help schools to reconsider their design in order to guarantee sustainability, emotional wellness, environmental affection, and physical health. CetraRuddy and Kumar Group Total Designers, the leading architects in Kerala, are proposing an increase in the rearrangement of classrooms with special care on outdoor programming.
Design focused on outdoor space – by Best Architects in Kochi
Schools are witnessing lately a growing focus on indoor as well as outdoor functions. Kumar Group Total Designers in tandem with CentraRuddy are the master brains behind the architectural design of Choice School, Calicut. The design focused on outdoor space as a major programming element in school the reflecting the concept of learning happens everywhere. Kumar Group Total Designers is a Kerala-based team of professional architects and interior designers with over the last four decades of experience in delivering world-class projects. It’s lead by the incredible Ar. S Gopakumar, Principal Architect of Kumar Group Total Designers, who has been solely responsible for bringing the terms “architecture” and “design” into the realm of the common man.

Choice School by
Best Architects in Kerala
Kumar Group in tandem with CetraRuddy has been selected to design a new school campus for grades 1 through 12 in Kozhikode (Calicut), India, for the Choice School. It accommodates more than 2500 students, with the dream of an ecologically adapted school environment. It is located in the southern part of Kerala. With a total area of 25,000 sq ft, it houses grades 1-12, in three sections.
The project succeeds in its first intervention for a school campus for primary and secondary school students in Thiruvalla, Kerala. It was inaugurated in 2016 for Choice School. The school’s architectural design consists of several new trends from international education. Like the use of individual and group learning areas, outdoor classrooms, and green building design, and so on. The mesmerizing architectural design of Choice School advocates “Inclusive Education” with these facilities.
The Calicut campus showcases a new prototype for primary and secondary education in India. It focused on the track of meaningful and inclusive education. It started its initial stage of work in early 2018. This school project provides an academic center that encourages parents and children to take a different perspective in their education.

It is such an astonishing school architectural design. That invokes a different spirit of learning in students. Especially in post-pandemic school days. As it plays a significant role in molding student’s moral aspects.
Architectural Details of Choice School
Choice School’s architectural design has prioritized learning environments with better access to light, air, and outdoor space. Facilitating cross ventilation, creating outdoor rooms, and offering easy transitions between exterior and interior spaces, tackles student health issues. And we know student’s health is also a prior concern along with good education. Design strategies for successful indoor/outdoor classrooms can maximize light and air for all classrooms. Thus ensuring positive student wellness and mental health, in addition to social distancing considerations.
The design is unique in having taken cues from the region’s culture and climate. Specific influences include the Kerala houseboat, local materials such as stone, clay tiles, and Palmyra Palm. These areas rich in vibrant color and texture, are subjected to dramatic weather. As a result, fusing these elements with modern sustainable technologies and practices, the design creates a unique experience. Thus leaving the onlooker mesmerized by its sheer simplicity and brilliance.
The ChoiceSchool, Calicut and Thiruvalla, Kerala, the best-designed school in the world, designed by the best and leading architects of Kerala, Kumar Group. As a result, it is one of the best architectural designs in Kerala’s institutional architecture.